Christopher Tärnströms Journal
En resa mellan Europa och Sydostasien år 1746
Christopher Tärnström (1711-1746) was the first of Linnaeus’ students to be instructed to study and document Natural and Cultural History outside Europe – he became the first so-called Linnaeus’ apostle.
Tärnström travelled as a ship’s chaplain on the East Indies Ship “Calmar”. The ship sailed from Göteborg in Sweden for China on 13 February 1746. Unfortunately the ship was too late to take advantage of the southwest monsoon winds between Sumatra and Java and was forced to find a winter birth in the Pulo Condor islands, not far from what is now known as Con San in Vietnam. The ship stayed here until mid April the following year, and when they did leave port it was without the ship’s chaplain! Following a few weeks illness, Tärnström died at the age of 35 on 4 December 1746.
After years of careful research, Kristina Söderpalm has transcribed Tärnström’s original documents and this has been the very first time the work has been published. The printed book includes an introduction, a full transcript of Tärnström’s Journals, comments, sources, related literature and an appendix which includes his instructions; payroll; mealtimes, Anders Gadd’s story from Pulo Condor with a Swedish-Candorian dictionary.
Christopher Tärnström’s travel journal has also been translated into English and published in full, named ‘Christopher Tärnström’s Journal – A Voyage between Europe and South East Asia in the Year 1746’. This journal is part of volume seven (pp. 281-388) in ‘The Linnaeus Apostles – Global Science & Adventure. EXPLORE MORE...
Writer/s: Christopher Tärnström (Journal) and Kristina Söderpalm (Comments and transcription). |
Language: Swedish, with summary in English. |
Format: Folio size bound volume (302 x 205 mm), 264 pages. |
Series: Mundus Linnæi No: I. |
Binding: Cloth bound with gilt edges, headband and two bookmarks. |
Additional information: The volume includes illustrations, maps, bibliography, references, facsimiles, and an index. |
Classifications: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art (General), Astronomy, Atlases & Maps, Biography, Biology, Botany, Customs & Folklore, Economics (History of), Environment, Geography (General, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe), Geology & Paleontology, History (General, Africa, Asia, Europe, Natural, Maritime), Language, Medicine, Meteorology, Numismatics, Religion, Science (General, History of, Field work), Shipping & Inland Waterways, Ships (Civil, Military), Trade & Commerce, Transport (General), Travel (General, Africa, Asia, Europe, History of), Zoology (General, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles & Amphibians). |
Editorial: Editor Lars Hansen. |
Publication Year: 2005. |
ISBN: 1-904145-07-8. |
The Journal
Summary in English
Sources of Illustrations