The Return of the Naturalists
Sweden | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Russia...
This field guide – ”The Linnaeus Apostles Bridge Builder Expeditions: Sweden, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan & Russia | Путеводитель исследователя – Экспедиции Апостолов Линнея по наведению мостов во времени – Швеция, Казахстан, Кыргызстан и Россия” – is an encyclopaedic summary, written in the Russian language, including observations on Carl Linnaeus and his Systema Naturae, his seventeen so-called Apostles who travelled to more than fifty countries, Johan Peter Falck and his studies of everyday clothing, water, petroglyphs etc in Russia and Kazakhstan. Making comparisons with early colour photograph from Prokudin-Gorskii Collection (kept at the Library of Congress, USA) and modern DNA studies. The print is focusing on a “Bridge Building” perspective within Natural & Cultural History from the 18th century up to present-day.
The foldable print shows outstanding images and maps is an interdisciplinary work, which has been circulated to a large number of organisations, academies and schools in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia.
This ‘Explorer’s Field Guide’ is part of the project Bridge Builder Expeditions. An overarching definition for a series of contemporary and scientifically sustainable projects established by The IK Foundation, an undertaking which aims to inspire and to contribute to our understanding of our shared planet! These projects are grounded in the concepts of retracing and lifting both practical and theoretical knowledge from the Linnaeus Apostles' journeys. The core of said projects revolve around a series of expeditions – with fieldwork in both rural and urban landscapes – which will be used to collect data and knowledge from several of the world's continents. This work incorporates a look into both cultural and societal values of specific regions as well as the measuring of the natural permutations of the landscapes travelled three centuries ago and if they have shifted with the passing of time. In essence the Bridge Builder Expeditions are a mixture of 18th century knowledge and 21st century know-how, two contrasting entities employed in unison to create an endeavour which is both interdisciplinary but also groundbreaking within its field. These contemporary expeditions offer insight into the developments and constants of the world we live in, divergences which lay the groundwork for new avenues of knowledge.
Writer/s: Lars Hansen, Viveka Hansen, Christian Kamill, Olga Romanova, Vera Shirokova & Alexey Sobisevich. Language: Russian. |
Series: The Explorer’s Field Guide. |
Format: 300 x 140 mm, 6 foldout pages. |
Binding: Large format, laminated heavy quality-paper pamphlet. |
Additional information: Richly illustrated in colour, Bibliography. Published by The IK Foundation, London, United Kingdom. (In cooperation with: Embassy of Sweden in Astana, Kazakhstan and S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia). |
Classifications: Anthropology, Archaeology, Biography, Costume, Customs & Folklore, Economics (History of), History of Science, Maps and Travel History, Natural History, Photography. |
Editorial: Editor Lars Hansen. Translated into Russian by Bengt Eriksson. |
Publication Year: 2017. |
ISBN: 978-1-904145-33-2. |