Global Science & Adventure | 8 Volumes, 11 Books
This is the greatest research and publishing project ever on the chosen few who came to be known as the Linnaeus Apostles. During the 18th century, the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) was to inspire seventeen of his pupils to travel to distant corners of the world to document local Natural and Cultural History. They travelled across land and sea on their own or as members of expeditions, covering every continent between the years 1745 and 1799. Although Linnaeus and some of his apostles are known internationally, several of the apostles are relatively unfamiliar, despite their global pioneering work in the service of science and mankind. The publication of their journals – several of them now made available for the very first time – will for a long time to come stimulate fresh research, new thinking and not least provide exciting reading about cultures, landscapes and people of the 18th century.
All the accounts of the apostles’ journeys to every continent have been published for the first time in English; those of the apostles who left no travel journals are described through their correspondence or other sources. In the introductory and concluding volumes world experts in various subject fields will provide accounts of the 18th century, of Linnaeus, of travelling and the hardships of field work, together with biographies and an index covering indexed printed pages, resulting in around 150,000 specific search terms and a considerable number of cross references or references to modern biological nomenclature.
All the 17 apostles’ complete texts, illustrations and maps have been published in the oeuvre mainly based on the original journals and, as an alternative where no such exist, previously printed material or correspondence is used (Vol. Two-Seven). This is the very first time this wide stretching and important material have been made public in its entirety; to the joy not only of interdisciplinary researchers in natural and cultural history, but also of everybody with a general interest in these subjects.
Volume One (Introduction) will be the descriptive volume. Here the reader will get a deeper understanding of the world in which Linnaeus and his apostles lived. The 18th century was both like and unlike our world today. It was during this era that the modern world first saw the light of day. Whilst the concluding Volume Eight, entitled Encyclopaedia, contains factual information presented in reference form (text and maps) under the following three headings: Biographies with Maps, Index Volumes One to Seven and
The Writer/s
Even though the main writers of the six volumes of this oeuvre (Vol. Two-Seven) are the 17 Apostles: (C. F. Adler, A. Afzelius, A. Berlin, J. P. Falck, P. Forsskål, F. Hasselquist, P. Kalm, P. Osbeck, P. Löfling, D. Rolander, A. Rolandsson Martin, G. Rothman, D. Solander, A. Sparrman , C. P. Thunberg, O. Torén and C. Tärnström) we also present a number of leading scientific writers (G. Broberg, R. Edberg, U. Ehrensvärd, A. Ericsson, G. Eriksson, K. Grandin, L. Hansen, V. Hansen, S. Helmfrid, C. Linnaeus, B. Nordenstam, H. Smethman, P. Sörbom and S. Sörlin) in the introductory (Vol. One) and concluding (Vol. Eight) volumes.
“The Editor-in-Chief, Lars Hansen, and his colleagues deserve our warm thanks for their work. Moreover, the books themselves are beautifully printed and bound. It is a joy to handle them. One is proud to possess such handsome volumes and to know that one has something worthwhile to pass on to one’s children and grandchildren.”
Roy Bridges
The President of The Hakluyt Society (2002-2008)
Emeritus Professor of History, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
“Your eight volume series devoted to the work and exploration of Linnaeus’ pupils sounds an important and invaluable project…”
David Attenborough,
English natural historian, broadcaster and author
“The consolidation into one series of volumes of the texts that cover the discoveries and travels of Linnaeus’ pupils, ‘The Apostles’, has given the biological sciences a major tool to understand how one man, Linnaeus, could see, name, and classify the whole of the 18th century’s world of nature…The quality of research, writing and editorial control provides a most pleasing and helpful understanding of those great men’s own dedication and application, in often very harsh conditions, to explore and explain the wonders and importance of the natural world that they discovered. The scholarship evident in the preparation of these volumes and their content will provide a major stimulus to dig deeper and study further the work and lives of these great explorers. This publishing triumph is a fitting major beacon to end the Tercentenary celebrations of their inspiring professor’s birth.”
David F. Cutler
Professor, The President of the Linnean Society of London (2006-2009)
“This magnificent and beautiful edition is a veritable landmark in the field of the history of science and learning. It is a masterpiece of scholarly publishing and a worthy representative of the Linnaean tradition, prepared with great care, enthusiasm and expertise. In the middle of the 18th century Sweden was one of the leading nations in the field of science, surpassed only by England and France. For the first time this well-edited corpus makes the discoveries of the disciples of Linnaeus available in a reliable and concentrated way. In addition, it supports further research with the help of an introductory volume, indexes and an exhaustive bibliography.”
Esko Häkli
Professor, Former National Librarian of Finland
“These stunningly beautiful books transport the reader to the edges of the known world, when everything was new, exciting and undiscovered…”
Eric Warrant
Professor, University of Lund, Sweden
Director, The Solander Program
“These are big, heavy books best approached with the aim to spend time with them, over days or weeks, somewhere quiet with good light. What's inside them is an armchair adventure of the finest order.”
[The Wall Street Journal (4.2.2012)]
Jennie Erin Smith,
Author, frequent contributor to the Wall Street Journal and Times Literary Supplement
Language: English (main language). |
Format/Binding: Folio size (310 x 223 mm) and over 5,500 pages, classically elegant sewn volumes, cloth bound and gold tooled, with a bookmark tape, an attractive protective dust jacket and (optional) two genuine Tapa cloth samples from Tonga. Eight volumes (eleven books). |
Additional information: Lavishly illustrated with reproductions of original images, fold-out maps (both 18th-century and modern) as well as new and unique illustrations in the explanatory volumes One and Eight. |
Classifications: |
Subject: Natural history – Early works to 1800, Naturalists – Diaries, Naturalists – Travellers – Diaries, Ethnology – Early works to 1800, Discoveries in geography & Linné, Carl von. |
Detailed Subject: Agriculture, Anthropology, Antique furniture, Archaeology, Architecture & Town planning, Art (General), Astronomy, Atlases & Maps, Bibliographies, Biography, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Costume, Customs & Folklore, Economics (History of), Education, Environment, Fishing & Hunting, Food & Drink, Forestry, Gardening, Genealogy, Geography (General, Africa, Antarctica, Arctic ocean, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America, South & Central America, Oceania), Geology & Paleontology, History (General, Africa, Antarctica, Arctic ocean, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America, South & Central America, Oceania, Natural, Maritime), Language, Law, Medicine, Meteorology, Music, Numismatics, Religion, Science (General, History of, Field work), Shipping & Inland Waterways, Ships (Civil, Military), Social sciences, Technology & Manufacturing (History of), Trade & Commerce, Transport (General), Travel (General, Africa, Antarctica, Arctic ocean, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America, South & Central America, Oceania, History of), Zoology (General, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Mammals, Reptiles & Amphibians). |
Editorial: Editor-in-chief Lars Hansen. |
Publication Years: 2007-2012. |
ISBN: For complete set of eight volumes, eleven books ISBN: 978-1-904145-26-4 Volume 1 ISBN: 978-1-904145-15-8 Volume 2 ISBN: (Book One) 978-1-904145-16-5, (Book Two) 978-1-904145-17-2 Volume 3 ISBN: (Book One) 978-1-904145-18-9, (Book Two) 978-1-904145-19-6, (Book Three) 978-1-904145-20-2 Volume 4 ISBN: 978-1-904145-21-9 Volume 5 ISBN: 978-1-904145-22-6 Volume 6 ISBN: 978-1-904145-23-3 Volume 7 ISBN: 978-1-904145-24-0 Volume 8 ISBN: 978-1-904145-25-7 |
- DISTRIBUTION & SHIPPING: The book parcels can only be delivered to a street or house address, not to a Post Box or c/o address. A signature will be required on delivery. The size and weight (28 kg.) of these books means that safe and good quality transport to certain countries may be relatively expensive, but we will do our best to keep such costs as low as possible. The volumes will be packed and shipped in a safe and special constructed box, 2 "green boxes" for a full set of 8 volumes, 11 books.
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- SHIPPING CHARGE per set for The Linnaeus Apostles - Global Science & Adventure (8 Volumes, 11 Books)
- EU Europe €115.00
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Volume One contains twelve background chapters, divided between three sections that deal respectively with Sweden and the rest of the world in the 18th century (chapters One to Three), with Carl Linnaeus and his scholarly environment (chapters Four to Six) and with the technical aspects of 18th-century research in natural history (chapters Seven to Twelve). This richly illustrated volume begins with the EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION and FOREWORD, followed by articles written by leading scientific writers (G. Broberg, R. Edberg, U. Ehrensvärd, A. Ericsson, G. Eriksson, K. Grandin, L. Hansen, V. Hansen, S. Helmfrid, C. Linnaeus, H. Smethman, P. Sörbom and S. Sörlin) in various subject fields, which are essential for an understanding of the 18th-century world.
This volume – EUROPE, ARCTIC & ASIA – contains the texts of two books, opening with ANTON ROLANDSSON MARTIN’S own account of his journeys to Spitsbergen and Norway, which contains unique descriptions of that part of the world and of the hardships of travelling in areas of extreme cold. The most extensive part of the volume is JOHAN PETER FALCK’S account of his Russian journey. He was a diligent and meticulous observer of natural history and of local cultures. The volume is amply illustrated with plates and two maps covering Falck’s journey.
This volume – EUROPE, NORTH & SOUTH AMERICA – consists of three books. The first two contain accounts of the journeys of PEHR KALM, with detailed information on the cultural and natural history of both southeastern England and, above all, the eastern regions of North America. The third book contains the unique descriptions of PEHR LÖFLING’S travels in Spain and Venezuela. DANIEL ROLANDER’S comprehensive and detailed multidisciplinary presentation, primarily of Suriname, concludes the wealth of information on the New World encompassed in this volume, which is amply illustrated with plates and maps.
This volume – EUROPE, THE MIDDLE EAST, NORTH EAST & WEST AFRICA – contains the travel accounts left by GÖRAN ROTHMAN, FREDRIK HASSELQUIST, PETER FORSSKÅL, ANDREAS BERLIN and ADAM AFZELIUS. They are unique multidisciplinary documents, extending geographically from the countries of the eastern and southern Mediterranean through the regions of Arab culture down to the equatorial regions of West Africa. The volume is illustrated with plates and maps.
This volume – SOUTHERN AFRICA, OCEANIA, ANTARCTICA & SOUTH AMERICA – contains the meticulous accounts of ANDERS SPARRMAN’S various travels around the southern hemisphere. They include vivid and multidisciplinary observations of great value for cultural and natural history. The volume is beautifully illustrated with plates and two maps.
This volume – EUROPE, SOUTHERN AFRICA, EAST, SOUTHERN & SOUTHEAST ASIA – contains CARL PETER THUNBERG’S fact-filled journals from his various sojourns in Europe but principally his detailed descriptions from South Africa, Java, Sri Lanka and Japan. They provide an entertaining text with multidisciplinary observations of great value for cultural and natural history. The volume is illustrated with plates.
This volume – EUROPE, SOUTHERN AFRICA, OCEANIA, SOUTH AMERICA, EAST-, SOUTHERN- & SOUTHEAST ASIA – contains the accounts left behind by PEHR OSBECK, OLOF TORÉN, CARL FREDRIK ADLER, CHRISTOPHER TÄRNSTRÖM and DANIEL SOLANDER. They are unique multidisciplinary documents, with a geographical range extending from Europe to South Africa, India, China, Vietnam, French Polynesia, Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Java, Brazil and Argentina. The volume is illustrated with plates.
The concluding VOLUME EIGHT, entitled ENCYCLOPÆDIA, contains factual information presented in reference form (text and maps) under the following three headings: BIOGRAPHIES WITH MAPS, INDEX VOLUMES ONE TO SEVEN and iLINNAEUS.ORG by Lars Hansen, Viveka Hansen and Bertil Nordenstam. The index covering approximately 5,500 indexed printed pages, resulting in around 150,000 specific search terms and a considerable number of cross references or references to modern biological nomenclature. It is in volume eight that general facts and search facilities relating to all the volumes and are to be found.