SPITSBERGEN - Science Expeditions
[After the book has been published €225.00]
In 1758, on a cold summer day along the rugged west coast of Spitsbergen, where the Arctic Sea meets a lowland flanked by mountains, a group of sailors, hunters, and a naturalist from the whaling ship de Visser disembarked to gather eggs and down.
In this group, 28-year-old Anton Rolandsson Martin participated in carrying out scientific observations in the Arctic landscape at sea and on land. He was one of the so-called Linnaeus Apostles, who, on behalf of the naturalist Carl Linnaeus and various scientific associations, documented natural and cultural history around the world for a period of 50 years.
At The IK Foundation, we have always been very interested in the often sacrificing work of the apostles, which laid the foundation for many of Europe's museums and scientific collections. Since the 1990s, IK has been involved in many long-term projects related to the world of the Linnaeus Apostles, including the global publication of their journals, but also renewed projects that lift their knowledge into the world of today and the future.
Between 2016 and 2020, The IK Foundation and many other organisations carried out six field periods along the route described by Anton Rolandsson Martin in his Spitsbergen Journal. A task that we call THE BRIDGE BUILDER EXPEDITIONS – which is briefly a bridge building linked to the natural sciences via a wide range of subjects, individuals and organisations – not least between the past, present and possibly future. This project was concentrated where Rolandsson Martin went ashore in July 1758, along the western coastline of Prince Charles Foreland, now Prins Karls Forland.
For 12 months, an autonomous field station – the first of its kind in the world – was established under the name FIELD STATION | NATURAE OBSERVATIO | MARTIN’S EYE. The total work of the station resulted in 2,074,053 observations being carried out over the landscape visited by Rolandsson Martin 260 years earlier!
These are our stepping stones for the book – a work started by the then 28-year-old Rolandsson Martin, followed up by our projects, to which we will invite you as a reader to experience a place, a biosphere, a landscape history seen in a 360 degrees long term view! Of course, the book will cover more than the nature and culture of the area described above, but we start and focus on this area – an Arctic place with a fascinating story that also leads us to the rest of the extensive Arctic area.
This publication is crafted with care. It features 250 uniquely numbered and hand-bound copies that showcase the latest scientific insights and information. It is a beautifully designed book with in-depth details across text sections, maps, diagrams, pictures, artworks, timelines, and many intriguing large fold-outs. More than just a book, it is a unique mastery portfolio that inspires generations to appreciate a delicate and still wild part of our Planet Earth.
Please find further information about the content and the co-writers below. This publication is probably the most comprehensive scientific work on this subject.
The Writer/s
This book is an international collective work with selected writers from leading institutions and organisations, specialising in Arctic Natural & Cultural History.

To those who place a pre-order via Books & Art, the Monograph will be guaranteed in quantity at the time of the order. Your order will also be verified by email as well as by mail – including:
- A written pre-order confirmation.
- A copy of The Explorer’s Field Guide ”The Return of the Naturalists Spitsbergen - Svalbard.”
- One field badge, ”Bridge Builder Expeditions – To Understand Planet Earth”, made of cloth with a size of 100 x 80 mm.
Writers: Arne Ardeberg, Kristine Bakke Westergaard, Georg Bangjord, Måns Bergendal, Winfried Dallmann, Julian Dowdeswell, Ian Gjertz, Harald Gjøsæter, Jonas Hagström, Lars Hansen, Viveka Hansen, Ólafur Ingólfsson, Martin Jakobsson, Nina Kirchner, Jan Mangerud, Fridtjof Mehlum, Anders Moberg, Riko Noormets and Grace Shephard. |
Institutions & Organisations: The IK Foundation, England & EU; Institute of Marine Research, Norway; Lund University, Sweden; Måns Bergendal Watercolours, Sweden; Norwegian Natural History Museum, Norway; The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Norway; Norwegian Polar Club, Norway; Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway; Norwegian University of Science & Technology, NTNU University Museum, Norway; Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, England; Stockholm University, Sweden; Swedish Natural History Museum, Sweden; The University of Bergen, Norway; University Centre in Svalbard, Svalbard; The University of Iceland, Iceland; The University of Oslo, Norway. |
Language: English. |
Series: Mundus Linnæi No VI (Monograph). |
Format: 302 x 205 mm | 400 pages plus 46 pages of six large-sized, extended fold-outs. |
Binding: Cloth bound volume, classically elegant sewn headband and two bookmarks. Hand-bound at the well-known bookbinder Majgren's in København, Denmark. |
Additional information: Printed in only 250 uniquely numbered copies. The publication was designed, edited, printed, and bound in Europe (England, Scotland, Sweden, and Denmark). |
Classifications: Archaeology, Arctic research, Art, Astronomy, Atlases & Maps, Bibliographies, Biography, Biology, Costume, Economics (History of), Environment, Exploration & Discovery, Fishing & Hunting, Geography (Spitsbergen & Global), Geology & Palaeontology, History, History of Science, International law, Maritime, Meteorology, Natural History, Oceanography, Photography, Science, Shipping & Ships, Technique & Instruments,Trade & Commerce, Transport and Travel History. |
Editorial: Editor-in-chief: Lars Hansen | Editorial Secretary: Viveka Hansen | Subject Editors: (The Chronicle) Viveka Hansen, (The Area | The Earth & The Area | Water) Martin Jakobsson, (The Area | Organic) Fridtjof Mehlum, (The Area | The Sky) Arne Ardeberg, & (Naturae Observatio) Lars Hansen and (Bridges) Lars Hansen. |
Editorial Board: Arne Ardeberg, Viveka Hansen & Lars Hansen. |
Artwork | Design | Maps/Charts: Studio IK: Graham Scott, Adam Proctor, Jeff Snoxell et al. |
Publication year: April 2025. |
ISBN: 978-1-904145-36-3 (printed book) | ISSN 2397-7302 (iBOOK, digital version) | Legal copies via British Library. |
[After the book has been published €225.00]
I | Introduction |
II | Prince Charles Foreland | Prins Karls Forland & Forlandsøyane | 16th Century to Present-day Voyages Including: PLATE I. Maps & Charts – Timeline PLATE II. Visitors & Expeditions – Timeline |
III | A Linnaeus Apostle in the Arctic | Anton Rolandsson Martin Including: PLATE III. Meteorological Observations made on a Voyage to Spitsbergen in 1758 |
IV | The History of Nature Protection in Svalbard |
V | The Beginning |
VI | Svalbard, through ice ages to the present-day warming |
VII | Oceanography, marine geology, cryosphere and climate of Svalbard |
VIII | Mammals |
IX | Birds Including: PLATE IV: Birds – Timeline |
X | Fish |
XI | High-arctic plant and fungi life at Prins Karls Forland & Forlandsøyane |
XII | Terrestrial Invertebrates |
XIII | Dynamics of the Sky |
XIV | Historical weather data |
XV | The Field Station Martin’s Eye | Observing without disturbing Including: PLATE V: Panorama 360° |
XVI | Bridges | Bridge Builder Expeditions Spitsbergen | Voyages 2016-2020 Including: PLATE VI: Bridge Builder Expeditions Spitsbergen Voyages I-V & Fieldwork 2016-2020 |
XVII | Destiny |
Bibliography | |
Index | |
List of Illustrations | with recognition | |
List of writers | |
Colophon |