Nya huset i Andrarum. Anno 1741
Piperska Handlingar No. 1
A record of the final inspection of the completed building of the Christinehof Manor House, or as the record was named "Andrarums Gård" (Andrarum House). Due to the detailed research by former chief inspector of historical monuments, Carl-Filip Mannerstråle (1924-2002), this unusual record of the final inspection has been extracted from the historical archive of Högestad & Christinehof entailed estate.
Andrarum House was built by the founder of the estate, Christina Piper (1673-1752), after she had begun to take over the extensive alum production at the Andrarum alum works. Alongside the clutter of buildings to do with this industry, she was to construct a new house, which formed a worthy centre for the large estate.
The detailed record of the final inspection not only gives an accurate description of the completed manor house, but is also a chronicle of the time, including the vocabulary which the surveyors mastered and were capable of producing on matters aesthetic which would have been strange and alien to them. The account does not make for easy reading, but it is invaluable for anyone interested in the building techniques of the period and, naturally, for anyone wishing to learn more about the history of the building itself.
"The New House at Andrarum. AD 1741”, written in Swedish, forms part of the Piper Paper Series, the purpose of which is to spread knowledge about the world, as seen through the documents from the Christinehof Archives, that is, the history around the Andrarum alum works and the entailed Christinehof estate in the southernmost province of Sweden, Skåne.
The book is illustrated and, besides history, it contains the complete transcription of the original document, including source references, bibliography, explanations of the meaning of words and a detailed index.
Writer/s: Carl-Filip Mannerstråle. |
Language: Swedish. |
Series: Piperska handlingar (The Piper Paper) No: 1. |
Format: 252x175 mm, 32 pages. |
Binding: Thread-stitched soft paper cover. |
Additional information: Illustrated, references, facsimiles and index. |
Classifications: Antique furniture, Architecture & Town planning, Art (General), Biography, Building, Economics (History of), Gardening, History (General, Europe), Household management, Language, Technology & Manufacturing (History of), Trade & Commerce. |
Editorial: Editor Lars Hansen. |
Publication Year: First ed. 1991; Second ed: 2005. |
ISBN: 1-904145-08-6 (Second edition 2005). |
Decipherment of the Document
The Main Building
The West Wing
The East Wing
The Attic
Interior Features ordered for the the following Rooms…
Part of the Original Drawing
Christinehof Archive – A Background