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”It will not be easily appreciated what great benefits for the public good, as well as the private, are to be gained from scientific journeys abroad, undertaken by those fortunate enough to have been equipped with a keenest of the spirit and the eye.”
Clouds over Europe. Courtesy of The European Space Agency | Space Station
This is how the naturalist Carl Linnaeus introduces his text in the Latin publication INSTRUCTIO PEREGRINATORIS [Instructions for Naturalists on Voyages of Exploration] printed in 1759 and additionally in an English translation by The IK Foundation in The Linnaeus Apostles: Global Science & Adventure, Volume One [2010].
Today, more than 260 years later, to make journeys is not only a matter for the privileged few; there are of course countless possibilities to extend one’s horizon for an extending part of the world's population. European countries have often been at the forefront of this development – with the simple philosophy that if people and organisations get to know each other, understanding will be increased and new opportunities developed! Something that, in the long run, reduces conflicts and creates better conditions for addressing major and important issues such as the environment, nature conservation, cultural protection, health, the digital world and clearly the economy.
This site has previously formulated thoughts on cooperation between countries too: ”In a short amount of time, countries, people and organisations will have begun - more and more - to use words like "elite" and speak in forms like "us and them" - a conscious distance from their surrounding world.” [iMessenger Issue No: 8: 2019]. In particular due to The IK Foundation having a global network of employees and organisations as working partners in various projects, foremost in Europe - England, Germany, Scotland, Denmark, Ireland, Wales, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway. Experience of a creative and open Europe is a reality that is not only stunning but is also something which simplifies everyday life, as well as being a prerequisite for the development and free-flow of new ideas.
Through decades of experience Promoting Natural & Cultural History, we know that the unique work of The European Union (EU) (from which we have never sought any financial support and therefore have no financial relations to, which should be said) is important and positive for science on a multitude of levels; knowledge development through the simple philosophy of "get to know each other." The IK Foundation will maintain this European and wise EU philosophy, even though within a few hours we will operate from a country which has chosen to travel a different way...
