The Linnaeus apostles describe in their journals how they went about their field work, collecting material relating to both natural and cultural history. A curious entry written in South Africa comes from the apostle Anders Sparrman, in which he notes the practicality of collecting plants and insects in his hat, thus leaving his hands free to write his field notes. The reconstruction based on that passage shows the linen and cotton clothing used in the field at that time, as well as a three-cornered hat. The bag provided space for collected material, notes, writing equipment, boxes and a knife used primarily for preparing zoological specimens in the field. |
Published: The Complete Catalogue - Unique world-wide travel journals written by the associates of the celebrated naturalist Carl Linnaeus
June 2009
Unique world-wide travel journals written by the associates of the celebrated naturalist Carl Linnaeus and published in a monumental set of eight volumes containing over 5,500 pages -
Planet Earth.
Science, Natural and Cultural History, Travel, Books, Geography,
History of Sciences, People, Medicine, Environment, Economics...
Dear Editor,
I have the great pleasure of sending You THE COMPLETE CATALOGUE of the greatest research and publishing project ever on the chosen few who came to be known as the Linnaeus Apostles. During the 18th century, the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) was to inspire seventeen of his pupils to travel to distant corners of the world to document the local nature and cultures. They travelled across land and sea on their own or as members of expeditions, covering every continent between the years 1745 and 1799.
Although Linnaeus and some of his apostles are known internationally, several of the apostles are relatively unfamiliar, despite their global pioneering work in the service of science and mankind. The publication of their journals - several of them now made available for the very first time - will for a long time to come stimulate fresh research and new thinking and not least provide exciting reading about cultures, landscapes and people of a bygone era.
The Complete Catalogue provides an overview of this monumental series of eight volumes - comprising in all eleven books and over 5,500 pages. The work, which is now in its final phase, has taken nearly ten years to complete.
GLOBAL AND LOCAL INTEREST: The edition comprises unique accounts from every part of the world, and more than fifty countries are represented in the set of volumes. The map in the fold-out section at the end of the catalogue provides an overview of the far-reaching expeditions. From all of those regions and along the routes traversed there are wonderful accounts of natural and cultural history describing environments and cultures that have now in many cases vanished. With the aid of the Catalogue You can gain an initial impression of that exciting world, something that I hope You will also feel is worth conveying to your readers/viewers/listeners...
We will gladly assist you with:
Press images and The Complete Catalogue: available in our News & Press Room. |
Review copies / Questions / Contacts: please contact IK. |
Information about The IK Foundation: read more on: www.ikfoundation.org |
We very much look forward to hearing from You!
Yours faithfully,
Lars Hansen
Editor-in-chief and Executive director,
The IK Foundation & Company |