Lotta Jonson, general manager of the Viking Foundation in Sweden.
Viking Heritage - Feasibility Study
April 2000
IK Foundation & Company has completed a feasibility study for
The Viking Foundation in Sweden. The assignment included:
- Historical / Scientific value
- Concept & Project
- Market
- Finance
- Legal
- The project and society
- Realisation
The study has now been completed and has concentrated
on assessing how a considerable investment in the Viking heritage
by an international public could be physically and financially
The site, which is located in south Sweden, is expected to be
completed by 2006. A total of €5,5 million has been budgeted
to cover the costs for public buildings, exhibitions and the
construction of Viking buildings and environment in keeping
with the times - the latter includes a church.
The study includes a proposal and format for further decision
making by the executive management of The Viking Foundation.
The format will allow the Foundation to act in harmony with
developments that were begun over 1000 years ago.