iBIRDSEYE aerial pictures are digitally stored at The IK Foundation’s SmugMug Picture site at www.photo.ikfoundation.org – a professional platform for digital pictures. All pictures, which are stored on this platform are free to use under our
Creative Commons license. If you wish to purchase printed media or pictures without the visible watermark, a selection of various formats are available via the BUY button at each picture.
The IK Foundation’s SmugMug Picture site is adapted to function on most browsers and in various formats around the world. Via SmugMug’s own apps for
Android and
AppleTV - flexible experiences are offered to be used from the study, living room or fieldwork alike.
There are several entrances to search among thousands of aerial pictures.
- For a detailed description of each picture, we refer to the catalogue in the iBOOK LOOKING AT HISTORY FROM THE AIR [Flygspaning efter Historia] Including the catalogue of Esse Ericsson’s archive of Aerial Photographs. The catalogue is published in the Swedish language, and covers only the photographs taken by Esse Ericsson. Each picture number is also searchable in The Lab, which gives the user further possibilities.
- Additionally, it is possible to browse The IK Foundation’s SmugMug Picture site directly, which is divided into geographical districts.
- The most convenient and flexible search method is to use Map search. Select Map or Satellite view, to be able to search for particular environments (for instance: coast, rural or urban areas, forests etc), alternatively a specific geographical place name. Click on the desired icon
on the map and choose ”Fly to the Picture Collection” to be linked directly to your chosen district in the Picture Gallery or ”Fly to the Index” to be linked to descriptions in the iBOOK catalogue.
A: The Map search option ”Fly to the Picture Collection” includes all aerial photographers’ pictures in The IK Foundation’ collection – a work as we describe as work in progress, whilst new pictures will be added each month over the coming years.
B: The term “district” shall only be seen as an approximative geographical location, due to that many pictures are covering border areas or even a larger area than a district itself, but also that the exact borders and size of a district over time may have changed. A suggestion is therefore – if one looks for a particular place – to search a wider geographical area surrounding this location.
C: The physical archival material – which in addition to pictures also consists of writings, maps, notes, research papers, etc. – was donated during March 2021 by The IK Foundation to The Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet).
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