The iFellowship costs nothing and is open to all individuals over 18 years of age and to organisations; whether as an individual or an organisation, an application has to be made to become an iFellow, which offers the following advantages:
- Full and free access when Signed In to The IK Workshop Society's iFacts, iIndex, iBooks, iMaps, iProjects, iLearning, iMagazine, Downloading observation data from our Field Stations et cetera. Opportunity, within the framework of The IK Workshop Society, to ADD KNOWLEDGE or TELL US YOUR STORY in the form of text, photos, video and sound, which will be an important part of the long-term work to understand Planet Earth.
- UNIQUE DISCOUNTS: If you wish to buy BOOKS & PRINTS from THE IK BOOKSHOP, iFellows will always get 15% Discount.
- iFellows receive updates, to a level that they themselves select, via email and chosen social networks and sometimes also printed information from The IK Foundation that is sent by post – never from a third party.
- A personal and secure Logbook.
In The IK Workshop Society we favour simplicity and therefore have the following basic and primary rules:
- That all information recorded in an application remains a private matter between The IK Workshop Society and the registered iFellow. For detailed information read in particular about "Accounts and membership [what we call iFellowship]" under Terms and conditions on our dedicated site Legal Issues.
- That all iFellows who contribute knowledge to ADD KNOWLEDGE or participate in other projects within The IK Workshop Society do so with their full name and country stated in a byline and thereby accept that they do so on their own responsibility, even if it has been validated by the affiliated editors.
- That iFellows, as far as possible, are familiar with the texts relating to "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights", the proposals for a "Law on the Rights of Mother Earth" and ”The European Movement International”. Finally, that they respect the Creative Commons licence within which The IK Workshop Society operates.