Achyranthes Achyranthes L.
Achyranthes L. > Achyranthes
Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv. > Gomphrena ficoidea
Coriaria L. (refers to C. myrtifolia L.) > Coriaria
Coriaria, Coriaria L. (refers to C. myrtifolia L.)
Crucianella maritima L. > Crucianella maritima
Crucianella maritima, Crucianella maritima L.
Gomphrena Ficoidea, Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) P. Beauv.
Gomphrena L. > Gomphrena
Gomphrena, Gomphrena L.
Minuartia campestris, Loefl. ex L. > Minuartia floribus confertis terminalibus alternis
Minuartia dichotoma, Loefl. ex L. > Minuartia floribus confertis, dichotomis
Minuartia dichotoma, Loefl. ex L. > Minuartia staminibus 10
Minuartia floribus confertis dichotomis, Minuartia dichotoma, Loefl. ex L.
Minuartia floribus confertis terminalibus alternis, Minuartia campestris, Loefl. ex L.
Minuartia staminibus 10, Minuartia dichotoma, Loefl. ex L.
botanical books
gardens at the College
medical plants
natural history
preserved in Spirit. Vin.
Uppsala/Upsal/Upsala Gardens
Puerto de Sancta Maria/St Maria
Hernández, Francisco, Surgeon Royal, botanist
Minuart, Mr, Chief Apothcary at the Hospitals
Sauvages, Mr
Velez, widow
ancient name for octopuses incl. the large genus Octopus, > Polypus
octopuses are known, one-third of which belong in the genus Octopus, c. 300 spp. of > Sepia octopodia
octopuses incl. the large genus Octopus, refers to > Sepia
Polypus, ancient name for octopuses incl. the large genus Octopus
Sepia octopodia, c. 300 spp. of octopuses are known, one third of which belong in the genus Octopus
Sepia, refers to octopuses incl. the large genus Octopus